Monday, February 21, 2011

There was a time in my life where I felt like dirt.
Alone, neglected, and abused...these feelings were justified. I came from a broken home...and then fell through the cracks of an ill ran foster care system.

God, God above. Stars in the Heavens, something greater and more beautiful than I believed knew his love was awaiting.

Beauty in darkness was being created. My prince was coming.
He is the love in my soul, and the beautiful father to my children.
This is my home. He is my home.

Oh love. Love and the way it heals.
Destiny in my life. This is real.
God and only God can truly heal.

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Yummy dinner tonight, and super easy. Who says healthy has to be boring? I am starting to be more aware of what I am putting into my body these days. I have also just started to get back in the gym. Woo! I gained a lot of weight with this baby, and am beginning the proccess of losing it. I'm starting simple..well sort of.
Mostly cutting out soda and all that extra sugar. I have a taste for good and healthy food so I am blessed. Brian would die if he stopped drinking soda and eating junk food lol.

Baby steps. I don't want to overwhelm myself so that I quit before I start. I feel excited and nervous about this journey but I am going to have fun with it. I'm looking into some belly dancing classes to help me loose that baby weight. Gotta get those stomach muscles strong again! They say it takes 30 days to create a habbit. I'm on day 3! :0)

We left the patio door open most of the day because it was so nice out! I just had to let all that positive energy flow in :). Great food, beautiful weather, and happy babies. Life is good today.

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sail boats in the bath tub
Tiny bubbles floating all around
Little cars, and basketballs
Spending the day with you
Coloring the sidewalk

Sky is really discovering himself these days. He is a very active and sweet child. Some of the little things he does blows my mind. There will never be a dull moment with Skylar. Ever. I can only dream of the man he will become, but I'm not going to get ahead of myself I am soaking up all these moments.

Last weekend at my Moms house he found a cowboy hat. He eagerly put it on his head, then laid his stuffed animal on the ground, and sat on it as if it were a horse. Brian and I looked at each other with sweet smiles and laughed. Sky's expressions when he is happy are priceless.

He is a very colorful spirit and just so ready to goooo. Such a boy. I just know he is going to play sports, he can spot a ball from a mile away. Brian is going to be playing softball soon and when Sky sees him playing he is going to freak out lol. Brian loves sports and when he's off he tries to catch a game, usually only his favorite. Sky loves to sit right next to him and cheer, "Yea! Go! Go!"

I couldn't ask for a sweeter boy. Even though he is wilder and more energetic than some toddlers, I wouldn't trade him for anything. Life would be boring without him. I am just excited about my journey being his mama.

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Drove out to the country today.

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Friday, February 11, 2011

~*Aria full of breastmilk, asleep on her mama.*~

Today my little sweet girl is two months. It has been a beautiful, and sometimes chaotic transition. I will be honest and admit that before leaving the hospital I thought, "How on earth am I going to take care of two babies?" I am thankful to God for the beautiful husband he blessed me with. Brian is always eager to help, willing to go that extra mile, and totally selfless.

With his constant love and support the four of us have found a place of balance. He has kept my head above water, feeding, changing, and loving both babies while I recovered from the birth. Now seven weeks later, I feel control is back in my hands. I am ready to put my cape back on and be super mom :p.

Being a mother of two small babies is amazing. Sky requires a different part of my heart and soul than Aria. He demands more of a physical mommy as oppose to Aria who needs calmness and tenderness. What begins to happen is really powerful. My heart is pulled in so many different ways creating the most intense sense of worth. Theses two little beings are so sweet and I am blessed to be their mother.

I am excited about the future. Sky loves his sister so much and is so ready for her to get bigger and play! Watching Sky play and discover the world is the greatest feeling. I can only imagine how much more beautiful it will be watching the both of them.

Everyday is a new experience, and I am thankful to be living this life.

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

I am now a mama of two. I keep falling more in love with this pretty girl everday.

Surrounded by change
Embracing life
I have created two new souls
I found a true beauty that is mine

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